Two World Records—In Two Age Groups—One Day Apart!

Two World Records—In Two Age Groups—One Day Apart!

Everyone knows that Frank VanderSloot broke a world record for the 100-meter row in his age group (70-79) on his 70th birthday when he rowed 100 meters in 14.4 seconds.

What people don't know is that on the previous day, his last day of being 69 years old, during practice, Frank officially broke the world record for that age group (60-69) when he rowed 100 meters in 14.3 seconds!

Both world records have been officially entered by Concept 2 officials in the Concept 2 record books!Frank VanderSloot World Records 14.3 and 14.4 seconds for 100M

Frank’s World Record No. 1 (ages 60-69)—100m in 14.3 seconds on 08/13/2018

Frank’s World Record No. 2 (ages 70-79)—100m in 14.4 seconds on 08/14/2018

Frank’s World Record No. 2 (ages 70-79)—100m in 14.4 seconds on 08/14/2018

We believe this is the first time anyone has ever set a world record on the last day of qualifying in any age group! Note: when you're competing on the 364th day of your 69th year, you are competing against other athletes up to 10 years younger than you!

Additional evidence of the effectiveness of the Peak Performance Pack!

Watch it again and relive Frank’s historic world record performance:

Add years to your life and life to your years™ with the Peak Performance Pack

Frank admits he’s no athlete, and he works a “cushy desk job.” So how could he compete with—and beat—world-class athletes on a rowing machine? The answer has to do with the science behind free radicals—and Melaleuca’s  clinically proven way to reduce them.

Over the course of your life, every single second that you are alive, a barrage of microscopic free radicals hammer every cell of your body.

Free radicals are tiny. But they are constant. And the bombardment of these trillions of tiny reactions eventually takes a toll on every cell in your body. And so we age.

The impact of free radicals becomes more and more evident over time. Our skin wrinkles. Our hair grays. We slow down. One of the most prominent effects of the aging process is the loss of muscle tone and strength.

To delay the aging process, one must curb the onslaught of free radicals.

That’s why Melaleuca scientists developed the Peak Performance Nutrition Pack, a full-spectrum supplement pack powered by Oligo technology.

Since its introduction in 2014, three scientific human studies: the Freiburg Study, the Sterling study, and the Deprivation Study have proven without any doubt that the Peak Performance Pack stops free radicals in their tracks!

In fact, the results of these human studies suggest that the effectiveness of the Peak Performance Pack far exceeds anything previously known to the scientific community.

The findings of these three human studies are remarkable. Learn more for yourself at and

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