Good Works
Melaleuca and its charitable arm, the Melaleuca Foundation, have a long history of doing good where good is needed, restoring hope, enhancing lives. Whether serving in the wake of a natural disaster, the frontlines of a pandemic, a special orphanage, or a soup kitchen, Melaleuca is constantly working with those who, for whatever reason, are unable to help themselves. You can learn more about Melaleuca’s mission of enhancing lives at
When you see somebody needs help, you reach out and you try to help them,” Melaleuca CEO Frank VanderSloot said in this interview. “And that enhances your life.
Melaleuca Donation Helps Tennessee Wildfire Victims
Melaleuca coordinated with senior officials from the American Red Cross to determine the needs of the victims. The Melaleuca products were quickly boxed up and delivered to the Second Harvest Food Bank.
Melaleuca CEO Frank VanderSloot Named to Business Hall of Fame
For his lifetime contributions and profound impact on the state of Idaho, Melaleuca CEO Frank VanderSloot has received a Hall of Fame award from the Idaho State Journal.
Melaleuca Delivers Cleaning Products to Louisiana Flood Victims
The Red Cross has declared the situation America’s worst natural disaster since Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
IT Boot Camp For High School Students Highlights Melaleuca’s Commitment to Education, Innovation
Melaleuca announced the boot camp at the end of last school year and was inundated with applications.
Discover the Largest Fireworks Show West of the Mississippi at the 2016 Melaleuca Freedom Celebration
You won’t find a better place in the 22 states west of the Mississippi River to watch a Fourth of July fireworks show than in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Saving a Life
Four months ago, little Andrea gained a new family. She left the orphanage through the same wrought iron gate in the loving arms of her new mother and father. She now lives with them in the United States.