The Melaleuca Freedom Celebration Rolls Into St. Paul, Minnesota!

Melaleuca's famous Freedom Celebration, honoring our nation's war heroes, went on the road to St. Paul, Minnesota on Memorial Day. The all-day event on beautiful Harriet Island Park, along the banks of the Mississippi River, featured an old-fashioned Decoration Day Veteran's Parade, live music, patriotic addresses and a whole lot of family fun.
The highlight, of course, was the fireworks show, with the largest fireworks display ever in the history of Minnesota, including 15,000 shells, about 500 a minute or 8 per second!
And what a crowd! Officials estimated that more than 125,000 people filled the park, lined the bridges and watched from the tops of every downtown building.
Our first Memorial Day Melaleuca Freedom Celebration was definitely a hit! Joe Soucheray, Pioneer Press Columnist in St. Paul reported, "It is a pretty good measure of a fireworks show when in the middle of it you start wondering where you should be (sitting) next year!"